
Installing playSMS with Gammu in Ubuntu Server 15.04 – Part 2 – playSMS installation & configuration [with Video]

October 24, 2015

Hope you have successfully followed my first part of this tutorial series and implemented basic requirements for installing playSMS now.

Procedure for installing playSMS in Ubuntu Server 15.04:

    1. Go to Check out the latest version available, like 1.3.1 for now. Click on it. Right click on playsms-1.3.1.tar.gz –> Copy link address.
    2. Open Ubuntu shell. Download the playSMS archive using the following command:

  1. Extract the archive.
    tar -zxf download -C /usr/local/src
  2. Verify and then move into the extracted folder.
    ls -l /usr/local/src/
    cd /usr/local/src/playsms-1.3.1/
  3. Rename install.conf.dist to install.conf.
    cp install.conf.dist install.conf
  4. Now, go to http://[IP Address of Ubuntu Server]/phpmyadmin. Click on Databases. Give a new database name(like playSMS). Click create.
  5. Edit the install.conf file and make necessary changes like database name, user and password.
    nano install.conf
  6. Save and exit.
  7. Run the installation script. Verify and confirm the details.
  8. Let the installation continue for some time…
  9. After installation is finished, find your rc.local file and add the following line for auto startup of playSMS app.
    nano /etc/rc.local

    Add before exit 0 –>

    /usr/local/bin/playsmsd start
  10. To verify if playSMS is running run the following command and you can see playSMSd process.
    ps ax | grep playsms
  11. Now open your web browser and go to: http://[IP Address of Ubuntu Server]/playSMS and login using default credentials – admin/admin

Video tutorial: