Hope you have successfully followed my first part of this tutorial series and implemented basic requirements for installing playSMS now.
Procedure for installing playSMS in Ubuntu Server 15.04:
- Go to https://sourceforge.net/projects/playsms/files/playsms/. Check out the latest version available, like 1.3.1 for now. Click on it. Right click on playsms-1.3.1.tar.gz –> Copy link address.
- Open Ubuntu shell. Download the playSMS archive using the following command:
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/playsms/files/playsms/Version%201.3.1/playsms-1.3.1.tar.gz/download
- Extract the archive.
tar -zxf download -C /usr/local/src
- Verify and then move into the extracted folder.
ls -l /usr/local/src/ cd /usr/local/src/playsms-1.3.1/
- Rename install.conf.dist to install.conf.
cp install.conf.dist install.conf
- Now, go to http://[IP Address of Ubuntu Server]/phpmyadmin. Click on Databases. Give a new database name(like playSMS). Click create.
- Edit the install.conf file and make necessary changes like database name, user and password.
nano install.conf
- Save and exit.
- Run the installation script. Verify and confirm the details.
- Let the installation continue for some time…
- After installation is finished, find your rc.local file and add the following line for auto startup of playSMS app.
nano /etc/rc.local
Add before exit 0 –>
/usr/local/bin/playsmsd start
- To verify if playSMS is running run the following command and you can see playSMSd process.
ps ax | grep playsms
- Now open your web browser and go to: http://[IP Address of Ubuntu Server]/playSMS and login using default credentials – admin/admin